Monday, September 06, 2010

Just how biased is HackerNews?

Interesting messagebox on my visit to Nodejitsu from Ycombinator's Hackernews:

hello, i see you are coming from hacker news.

the article you clicked on was most certainly not submitted by nodejitsu.

news.ycombinator has a long history of squashing articles and submitters that aren't funded by y-comb.

most of this is done through their "silent" banning and censoring mechanisms, that leave people not even realizing they have been silenced.

i hope you enjoy this article, and remember that HN is extremely biased and that you should keep your horizons broad.

I guess I am easy to fool, because I always felt HackerNews was unbiased. It's great when someone shatters your misconceptions. Thanks!

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