Friday, April 14, 2006

Moving hosting again.

Selected They had a pretty good deal for $9.95 for first year.

First impressions:

1) Php5, mySql4.1, SSH access, and they allow 25 domains. Tons of space and BW.
2) Easy setup and the price is right.
3) They've been adding more features (secure FTP, static IP's, etc) over the last months. Most hosters are so STATIC, they start a new company with new features for new customers. This is good.

1) Their shell access is pretty lame. No VIM, for example. Not even SCP???!!! Or WGET. You can't create directories in your own home directory (just under www and cgi-bin).
2) The way they name mysql database is not userfriendly. You get a name like D5022982. I wonder if D5022981 is someone else's. And why can't I limit external db access (when turned on) to specific IP's?
3) The control panel is ok, but a little slow (it doesn't run in your own account, but on a shared server somehwer). Not as good as CPANEL, but usable.
4) Not a lot of apps available. Fantastico would be good.

I guess this is a good step until I get my own server somewhere. Or, at least VPS.

Not sure if I want to move all my sites to netfirms, yet.


Anonymous said...

I also use Netfirms and do agree its a good deal!

I also ran into that remote db issue. They do support external db access. It has to be enabled:

Jorge Monasterio said...

Yes. They have remote DB access, but you can filter it by IP. So, I can't have remote DB access ONLY FROM MY DEVELOPMENT MACHINE.

This isn't total security, but it's better than nothing. To try to hack your DB, the attacker has to at additionally guess what IP address you've allowed.

Sorry if my original post wasn't clear.